Tupamaros atacan con armas de fuego a manifestantes desarmados en Merida (Tupamaros, with fire arms, attach pacific protesters in Merida)

tupamaros mérida

Como podrán observar en esta foto, los Tupamaros, asesinos pagados por el régimen comunista ilegitimo de Maduro, llevando la bandera del partico PSUV, atacan sin clemencia a los estudiantes en protesta en las calles de toda Venezuela. En estos momentos los ataques más fuertes se llevan a cabo en Mérida y Táchira.

As you can see on this photo, the Tupamaros, murderers financially supported by the communist illegitimate regime of Maduro, carrying the flag that identifies their party PSUV, attack students protesting on the streets of Venezuela, shooting at them with no mercy. Right now, the strongest attacks take place in Merida and Táchira.

Tupamaros  (also known as Tupamaros National Liberation Movement or MRT) is a group of cowards supported and protected by Maduro’s people that attacks student who are not in agreement with their politics. In addition, despite the absence of official data, many of their members carry out drug trafficking activities and even have ties with death squads. They are trained killers, sick men and women who kidnap, torture and murder innocent people for fun.


El gran gobernadorsucho del Edo. Aragua, Tarek El Aisami, llevando con orgullo la bandera de los Tupamaros en un acto público. The negligent governor of the state of Aragua, Tarek El Aissami carries the Tupamaros’ flag with pride at a public event.