Regime’s Logic: Middle Class Bourgeois stimulates hate while Chavistas are the Motherland Defenders.
Éstas son las imágenes de la realidad que se vive en Venezuela, un país donde se adueñaron del poder un manojo de ignorantes asesinos y enfermos mentales con absurdas ansias de poder, quienes han, no solo abusado del pueblo a todo nivel, sino que además han inventado mentiras, le han lavado el cerebro a los más humildes llenándolos de odio hacia todo aquel que no comulgue con el comunismo. Siguen queriendo esconder, como si fuese posible, la falta de derechos que hoy reina en nuestro país.
(These are the images of the reality that exists in Venezuela, a country which power was seized by a bunch of ignorant murderers and mentally sick people with an insane thirst for power, who have not only abused our people at all levels but also have made up lies, and have brainwashed the most needy, filling their hearts with hate towards anyone not sharing their communism believes. They continue to cover up the lack of rights that prevails in our country.)
Veámos unas imágenes tomadas en la última semana…
(Let’s look at a few images from this past week…)

Voter attacked by government representative during elections only because he shook off his finger’s ink after voting and a drop hit her.
Mundo, saca tus propias conclusiones.
World, draw your own conclusions.